TV SERIES. I have been so engrossed in watching House, M.D. My laptop’s been keeping me company on cold, lonely (*tear*) nights. Well, on boring nights rather, when I have nothing left to do but sleep. I like the series a lot better than Grey’s Anatomy, probably because of the abundance of its sarcasm (and I speak good sarcasm) and it basically concentrates more on a field I’m so used to, and not much on the cheesy, making-out-and-getting-it-on part. Not like I dislike it, but, whatever, I’ll shut up now and get it on with someone. Anyway, House gives me a sense of victory especially when I guess a diagnosis right. Sometimes it pays to be a lab scientist, even if it’s just sitting on a couch and watching TV.
The Walking Dead is just plain awesome. Who who’d have thought that zombies can also play their part in a TV series? I, for one, think that it’s better than a lot of post-apocalyptic “Zombieocalypse” movies. Zombieland was one good shit, but heck, if I was a zombie superstar I’d go and rot my way to hunt for Andrew Lincoln. My sister recognized him instantly; he was from Love, Actually. The one who was head over heels for Keira in the movie. Moreover this good, good shiz is actually based on a comic book series.
I’ve discovered a really cool chart about zombieocalypse movies. I’ll post it up in a while.
MY APPETITE’S GONE WAYWARD. I’ve stopped drinking my weight-gain milk, and my appetite for food (DUH) is through the roof. I should have known that the milk would only make me heavier, not fatter. There’s a fine line between heavy and fat, well, at least in my opinion. I wanna go to Banchetto next week, and I wanna bring my boyfriend along. I’m also planning to try out Jap food in Little Tokyo, at Makati. My best friend’s been raving about it for a long time now, and pretty soon, I surely will too. Eat good food, have a great life!
JAIL. I’m on house arrest. Well. Not literally. So now I’ll be speaking to no one in particular… Do you know what positive motivation is? It’s just like this. How can you tell your employee that he’s been doing fucking poor on his work? You can’t just lash it out on him, ‘cause sometimes anger can’t make a person do well on his job, it only discourages him and humiliates him and feeds on his self-esteem and in some cases, rebel, thank you very much. In an otherwise better situation however, If you tell this employer how he’s been doing a good job and maybe do so much better, then it may involve him REALLY doing so much better in his work. Positive motivation. It’s just one of the many things a parent should possess. Don’t get me wrong, I love life, and I have enough zest for it, but it’s like I’m wearing this long, long chain on my wrist and is connected to home, whenever I’m out with friends and/or foes (Muahahaha.). Oh, and if you call right now we’ll give you a tracker, to always update you on your daughter’s whereabouts, absolutely free!
Hee. Told you I speak good sarcasm.
I don’t ask for much, just a little freedom and understanding. Honestly, a parent who gives her kid everything ( a good school, new clothes, new stuff, EVERYTHING) doesn’t necessarily indicate her being a good one.
“Oh for heaven’s sake child, when you become a parent yourself, you’ll understand why.” Cut the crap, oldie. I’ve heard degrading lines like, “I’m smarter than you two put together.” It was addressed to me and my older sister. Up until now, it reverberates in my head. I would never forget the day she said that. Never.
BOOKS. More books to read makes one live in a world one never knew existed. I want to get my hands, and eyes, on The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I just finished with another Neil Gaiman page-turner, so I’m opting for a different kind of thrill this time. The Hunger Games Trilogy is also included in my list, though I’m not pretty sure of its fate in the near future. Think Twilight Saga. Sucks, right? Or was it Twaylayt, can’t even remember. Beat the Reaper is also a must.
That cutiepatootie Chinese girl on my right is Lalaine, I call her Lemon cos it’s cuter that way, and the guy on my left is Brother. We call him that cos he’s from a seminary high school. He’s really John Mark, according to his birth parents. They’re two of the best people I met in college. We recently had dinner at Cyma (OPA!), but it was a brief and tasteless dinner. I was practically wolfing down my food, cos that same night I got a call from my boyfriend, who got rushed to the ER cos he was having a tough time breathing and boy was he hot as lava, so I hurried to the hospital and thanked God he still recognized his hot girlfriend. HAHA.
Live long and prosper,
Judielle <3
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