Wednesday, December 21, 2011

So I spent the night in a hospital.

To look after my Mom who suffered from gastroenteritis and dehydration. It was not a good night, nor it was a bad one, cos I was able to spend time reading A Game of Thrones and since then, I became hooked to the story. Anyway, Trudi was a big help keeping me company and running errands with me while my mom stayed in the hospital and delivered orders, since my sister was working in the office. Wow, I must be beginning to learn a lot about responsibility now, and If only I had a car I can do so much more.

Trudi had been a sweetheart and a gentleman all throughout my mom's stay in the hospital and I'm really grateful for that. So if you're reading this Darling, I love you very much.

Live long and prosper,

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