Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Our Big Blessing

My older sister gave birth last April 4 and we couldn't be any happier. Meet Mereille Alessa Gucaban-Tayag, my adorable little niece.

The day she was born was supposed to be uneventful for us, since we accompanied my sister only to see the OB-Gyn who happened to be my professor in Med school. The day started to change its course when we found out she was already dilated and already in labor, and needed to be admitted to the delivery room. Given that the baby's position in the womb was breech(meaning the feet of the fetus were touching the bottom of the womb instead of the head), she had a C-section done and fortunately the baby was delivered safely.

My sister and I were always debating how her baby would look like and now we have a very tangible little human whom I deem my look-alike. Hahaha, well, at least our lips look alike. I've always loved kids and my being Aunt is a happy moment for me! Just look at her, she looks so adorable with those little headbands!

She just celebrated her 1st month Last Saturday when we headed home from Boracay, but that's another story to tell! Write soon!

Live long and prosper,
x Judielle

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